EPISODE 73: Flipping the AI Script & Reducing Hallucinations with Shawn Olds

Today, we’re joined by Shawn Olds, Co-founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at boodleAI, providers of BoodleBox, the GenAI GroupChat that brings people, AI assistants, and knowledge together. We talk about:

  • The value of “flipping the script,” where AI prompts the user

  • What needs for human expertise remain as AI advances?

  • 2 main ways you can help reduce AI hallucinations

  • Prepare for meetings & interviews by having AI adopt the role of your colleague

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EPISODE 74: Growth vs. Profitability & the Pitfalls of Being Reactionary with Matt Clark


EPISODE 72: Surviving Irrelevance in the Age of AI with Cenk Sidar